Singing Guide: Lucky Starr

Singing Guide: Lucky Starr

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Lucky Starr, born Leslie William Morrison, was an Australian pop and rock singer in the late 50s and early 60s. He became popular with hits like "I've Been Everywhere" and "One-Eyed Trouser-Snake Rumba". Starr's style was influenced by American rock and roll, but he gave it his own unique spin, incorporating a lot of spoken word and a distinctive Australian accent. His muscular, energetic performances made him an influential figure in the Australian music scene.

If you want to learn how to sing like Lucky Starr, you should start by studying his vocal style. A key element of his style is his use of spoken word and rhythm in his performances. Listen to his songs, paying attention to how he emphasizes certain words and syllables. Try to incorporate this technique into your own singing by experimenting with different rhythms and inflections.

Another aspect of Starr's style that you should focus on is his use of vibrato. Listen to how he adds vibrato to sustained notes, giving them a rich, expressive quality. Use Singing Carrots' video on "Singing with Vibrato" to develop your own vibrato technique.

Starr's music is also characterized by his use of a strong chest voice. Practice singing in your chest voice to emulate his sound, but be careful not to strain your vocal cords. Singing Carrots' video on "Chest Voice Explained" can help you understand how to use your chest voice correctly.

To improve your vocal range, practice Singing Carrots' "Vocal Range Test" and "Pitch Accuracy Test". These tools will help you determine your current range and pitch accuracy and provide guidance on exercises you can use to improve them.

Finally, consider taking Singing Carrots' "Singing for Beginners" course. This 21-lesson program covers the fundamentals of singing and provides exercises and guidance on how to improve your skills. It's a great way to get started on your journey to sing like Lucky Starr.

By mastering aspects of Lucky Starr's style, incorporating his unique vocal techniques, and using the valuable resources provided by Singing Carrots, you can learn to sing just like this iconic Australian artist.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.